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Here at Mission Control we invite you to build a free listing or to upgrade your page to a premium listing. Not sure which one is right for you? Scroll down below the packages to compare the different versions before you make a decision. 


What type of listing would you like to create?



  • Link to your Website
  • Add your Business Logo
  • Add a cover photo
  • Listing can be reviewed by non profits
  • Listing is ranked under premium listings, ordered by rating
  • Map of your location

Premium (Monthly)

$125.00 / month for 12 months

  • All the Basic Features

  • +

  • Featured listing - your page will be listed above free pages
  • Contact Form listed on page for visitors to reach out directly
  • Upload an Image Gallery
  • Post a Video
  • Upload Documents (Whitepapers, One sheeters, etc)
  • Link your Social Media accounts
  • Post events to your page
  • Recommend your partners listings
  • Year long listing, billed monthly

Premium (Annual)

$1,250.00 for 1 year


  • All the Basic Features

  • +

  • Featured listing - your page will be listed above free pages
  • Contact Form listed on page for visitors to reach out directly
  • Upload an Image Gallery
  • Post a Video
  • Upload Documents (Whitepapers, One sheeters, etc)
  • Link your Social Media accounts
  • Post events to your page
  • Recommend your partners listings
  • Listing Automatically Renews Yearly

What's the difference between basic and premium listings?


Basic Listing Highlights 

  • Listing is ranked under premium listings, ordered by rating 
  • Link to your Website
  • Add your Business Logo
  • Add a cover photo
  • Listing can be reviewed 
  • Map of your location
  • Service Areas
  • Service Categories


Premium Listing Highlights 

  • Featured Listing – Page Will Be Listed Above Free Pages 
  •  Link to Your Website
  • Add your Business Logo
  • Add a Cover Photo
  • Listing Can Be Reviewed 
  • Map of Your location
  • Service Areas
  • Service Categories
  • Contact Form 
  • Upload an Image Gallery
  • Post a Video
  • Upload Documents
  • Link to Your Social Media 
  • List Your Phone Number
  • Add Keywords For Searches

Premium Tabs (below)

  • Post events to your listing
  • Recommend your partners 

Premium Exclusive Tabs

Post Events to Your Listing

Recommend Your Partners